Internship on AI-based software

Between February and June 2024, students of Foreign Languages and Mediation (cl. 11 and 12) will be able to engage in an internship in writing and translation with AI-based software in the Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Education and Society (DILL).

This internship is part of the research project "AI-based software in the teaching of L2 writing and translation", coordinated by Sara Vecchiato.

The research focuses on the spontaneous practices of using AI software by comparing them with the teaching practices learned during the courses.



Seminars on Professional Writing and Translation 2024

The Laboratory on Writing and Translation Studies presents a series of seminars with experts in professional writing and translation. The seminars are open to students of Foreign Languages and Cultural Mediation, and  comprise a theoretical and a practical part. For information please write to redattologia @


H-FVG website

Healthcare in Friuli-Venezia Giulia in clear language

HFVG website

Il sito HFVG è pensato come un "navigatore" multilingue per comprendere come funziona la sanità regionale.
I testi italiani sono semplificati e tradotti dagli studenti dei Corsi di Laurea in Lingue straniere e Mediazione culturale dell'Università di Udine.
-lingua francese, a cura di Sonia Gerolimich e Sara Vecchiato
-lingua inglese, a cura di Nickolas Komninos e Deborah Saidero
-lingua tedesca, a cura di Iris Jammernegg (in preparazione)
La parte informatica è a cura del Laboratorio di ricerca SASWeb, diretto da Antonina Dattolo.
Da un'idea di Nickolas Komninos.
Coordinamento: Sara Vecchiato.